Campaign for and With Us

Help us to create the right political and social environment to beat corruption, poverty, and poor governance. We mobilize and empower people to use their voices, feet and pens to get our leaders act on the promises they have made to us. We tell and share stories. We seek not only to tell and share our stories, but also to empower people and communities to have the power to challenge corruption, claim their basic human rights to escape poverty, injustice, and misrule. We identify the issue and the medium and share stories about what we believe the AU and its Members should be addressing. We are committed to understanding what our state managers are doing whatever they say they are doing on our behalf. Our aim is to help all of us properly understand our human rights and able to claim them.

Campaigning for and with us include connecting with local and regional networks of activists to determine how the messages should be crafted, who else can bring influence and leverage to bear, and what type of medium is needed to create the maximum effect. Campaigners and advocates come together to learn about how the AU operates, build their networks, and design pragmatic solutions – whether its organizing events, running a street campaign and lobbying – to local challenges that the AUMS should address.


What is Campaigning?

You may have realised that politics plays a huge role in good governance and even in beating corruption! 

Our campaigns aim to influence the people that make the decisions at the AU and across the whole of Africa. By campaigning with us here at AU Watch, you can make sure good governance remains a political priority. We can and will see real improvements to the lives of the thousands of people. Together, we can achieve Agenda 2063.

Campaigning for and with us include connecting with local and regional networks of activists to determine how the messages should be crafted, who else can bring influence and leverage to bear, and what type of medium is needed to create the maximum effect. Campaigners and advocates come together to learn about how the AU operates, build their networks, and design pragmatic solutions – whether its organizing events, running a street campaign and lobbying – to local challenges that the AUMS should address.

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