AU Watch Template For Project Proposals

  1. Project Proposal Summary (Single Page)

Project Title




Project Dates



Location of..


Expected Start Date


Actual Start Date


Expected Date of Completion


Farm Details



Contact Officers








Budget (€)

Total Requested


Contribution From..


Other Partners:



Number and description of expected male and female beneficiaries:


Narrative summary of the project and planned activities: (quarter page or less, please)



  1. Project Overview

2.1 Background and Problem Statement

The origin of the project, the main theme of the project, current status of the work on the issue and the names of the submitting organisations. It also describes the most significant social, political, military (if applicable), institutional, and economic features of the project’s operating environment. It details the emergency situation, including its magnitude, onset, duration, and location. It also provides a map to situation the project geographically.

2.2 Project Objectives and Rationale

‘Project Rationale’ refers to specific appraisals and needs assessments that have been made to explain the extent and type of problem being addressed, the people affected, a gender analysis (if available) and the local vulnerabilities and capacities. It describes key relevant lessons that have been learned from previous experience in the area or from this type of project. It provides an analytical summary explaining why the institutions are undertaking the project.Project objectives should contribute to the achievement of the goal(s) of the overall strategy. Each objective should be specific and quantifiable so as to facilitate project monitoring and evaluation.

2.3 Implementing Institutions Capacity

Explains how the institutions are involved in the project. It outlines the relevant knowledge and experience of each institution in implementing the proposed project and with the type of action proposed, and with working in the local language.


3.Project Description

3.1 Purpose and Expected Results

The use of a Performance Framework will be mandatory to help explain the internal logic of the project and the key outputs and outcomes expected (see Annex 1 for further details). It should also Include a detailed narrative explanation of each expected result.

3.1.1 Project Component (Program Methods and Program Design)

A component is a discrete measurable action contributing to the achievement of the project objective. The project components taken together should ensure the achievement of the project objective. The components should be defined in a logical sequence including the objective, activities, and outputs of each. Use a Logical Framework Analysis to define these logical relationships.

3.2 Beneficiaries

Describes intermediate and ultimate beneficiaries. Describes what specific groups are being specifically targeted by age, gender, income, ethnic identity, etc.

3.3 Planned Activities

Planned Activities specifies planned activities and the main related inputs (goods and services) to be provided. It will be helpful in our case to use a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) or similar flowchart (Work Plan and Implementation Schedule) to link planned activities to expected results. It will also be useful to use Activity Sheets to organize our presentation, for example, a narrative description of the activity and underlying strategy, expected issues and challenges, inputs needed, and the budget required for that particular activity.

3.4 Assumptions and Risk Mitigation Strategy

Identifies the main assumptions about the project’s external environment necessary for the success of the project. Assesses high risks and presents risk mitigation strategies. Describes plans to minimize risk to project personnel in areas of conflict and instability.

3.4.1 Issues and Follow-up Actions

Identification of issues (technical, institutions, policy, etc.) that need to be addressed during project formulation; indicate follow-up actions along with responsibilities and estimate a time frame for project preparation and the sequence of related activities.

3.5 Project Management

Explains the management positions, reporting lines, and accountabilities. Gives a specific person’s name and contact information for key management positions whenever possible.

3.6 Public Engagement and Benefits to Nigeria

Briefly explains how the implementing partner has engaged Nigerians in public in understanding the background and specifics of this initiative. It will also be useful to lists specific, and tangible expected benefits to the UN from the implementation of this project.


  1. Cross-Cutting Themes and Principles

4.1 Gender

Gender explains how the project harnesses and develops the capacities, and addresses the different needs, interests and vulnerabilities of affected women and men, girls and boys.

4.2 Participation of Beneficiaries

Describes key stakeholders and identifies particularly vulnerable and minority groups.  It explains how the project involves various groups of affected and marginalized people in needs assessment, project design, implementation, and monitoring.

4.3 Local Delivery Partnerships and Capacity Building

Describes indigenous systems and services that already exist and how the project will work with these. Describes field-level partnerships, capacity of these local partners, and, if applicable, how the project plans to build this capacity.

4.4 Convergence and Coordination

Lists internationally recognized principles and standards for humanitarian relief that the agency is committed to while implementing the project. If internationally recognized standards cannot be met, explain why. Describes efforts by the institutions to coordinate its projectinitiative with governments, the U.N., international and local organizations, and with relevant multi-stakeholder policies and agreements.

4.5 Environment

Explains how environmental planning has been incorporated into the design and implementation of the project. If we are able to provide it, this section will include or annex a relevant environmental assessment for the project.

4.6 Sustainability               

Explains how the project proposal has considered sustainable recovery and development. Describes how services or structures established by the project will be sustained and presents a plan for the withdrawal of the UN funding and transfer of the project assets and any remaining active initiatives.

  1. Monitoring,Evaluation and Reporting

5.1 Performance Measurement Plan

Performance Measurement Plan explains how progress in achieving each of the expected results will be measured. It presents key performance indicators and data collection tools that will be used. It gives baseline data and performance targets for each indicator being used, or if these are not available at the time that the proposal is submitted, makes a specific commitment to provide this information as part of the project’s post-approval launch.

5.2 Reporting

Specifies a due date for the report and delegates specific responsibility for forwarding the required report to a named, senior manager within the implementing institutions.

  1. Financial Information (Cost and Financing Estimates)

We are going to indicate all costs at the time when the proposal is made. No allowance will be made when calculating the base cost either for exchange rate changes or for inflation over the period of operation of the project. This will be taken care of by price contingencies. The project cost shall be detailed by component and category of expenditure. Sub-categories may be used where required.

6.1 Projected Expenditures

Projected Expenditures presents tables to summarize estimated costs of major activities and inputs. It will also be helpful if we can refer to a Work Breakdown Structure, if used, or a similar flowchart, so that costing can be related to expected outputs. It should state amount and rationale for project administration and overhead, including field monitoring and evaluation.

6.2 Sources of Income

Presents table to summarize the project’s sources of income (fundraising, other donors, etc.). If applicable, presents sources and amount of income for post-project activities.

6.2.1Summary Cost Tables and Financing Plan

The summary of the costs should be provided both by component and category of expenditure. The summary costs are derived directly from the detailed cost table. Similarly, the financing plan should also be provided.

  • Summary Project Cost by Component and Year
  • Summary Project Cost by Category of Expenditure
  • Detailed Cost Table by Category and Item of Expenditure
  • Summary Financing Plan by Component and Source
  • Detailed List of Inputs by Category of Expenditure and Financier
  • Projected Profit and Loss Statement
  • Projected Balance Sheet
  • Projected Cash Flow