
International institutions like the AU can have considerable influence on the lives of ordinary Africans. It is, in our view, the best placed organisation to deliver growth and development for millions of Africans. Too often, the AU focuses too narrowly on their relationship with central governments to guide their priorities. In order to enhance the prospects of locally-owned progress towards meaningful peace and development, international institutions like the AU should support the development of a culture of inclusion, participation, transparency, and accountability between a government and its citizens. So, we mount vigorous campaigns and events to achieve all of that.

Our events and campaigns challenge our states managers, not only to properly bring us into the conversation about what they say they are doing on our behalf, but also to get them to understand what and how we want things done on our behalf. The principle that underpins our work is empowering people and communities to change, to speak out and claim their human rights.

“To poison a nation, poison its stories. A demoralized nation tells demoralized stories to itself. Beware of the storytellers who are not fully conscious of the importance of their gifts, and who are irresponsible in the application of their art. .. When you can imagine you begin to create and when you begin to create you realize that you can create a world that you prefer to live in, rather than a world that you’re suffering in.”
Ben Okri- Poet

Toward an Understanding of AU Watch and its Events

Legally, AU Watch is divided into four separate entities: (a) AU Watch International, which is made up of the Governing Council and the Strategic Leadership Group; (b) AU Watch Events, Fundraising and Audit Units, (c) AU Watch Directorates and (d) AU Watch Chapters. As a highly flexible and decentralized organisation, the separations were created to achieve practical on the ground results.

AU Watch Sections and Directorates are self-funded, but strictly adhere to fundraising policies set up by the Governing Council. AU Watch Events, Fundraising and Audit Unit are one of the autonomous units within the overall structure of the organisation.

The Events Unit deliver marketing solutions for the organisation from integrated advertising campaigns, to embedded content, to path-breaking live broadcast or live-streaming, to innovative digital and media solutions. The Events Unit combines the excitement and rush of a live event with impressive business and logistical efficiency to produce stronger and better results for the entire organisations and other CSOs in Africa. We understand that to achieve more together we have to give our various publics the power to effect the changes they want to see on the ground. We are able to achieve more if we can get everyone in Africa and around the world to direct the way we wish to be governed. Our Chapters and Directorates are therefore in the vanguard of staging all sorts of events and activities

To learn more about AU events, please click here.