Understanding Agenda 2063 Human Rights Program

Agenda 2063is a call to action for Africans of all backgrounds from all parts of Africa to unite in shaping Africa as “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena.” It’s the 100-year vision of the AU about its determination about where Africa is supposed to be in the year 2063.
There are seven aspirations that encompass Agenda 2063, all of which contain more specific human rights goals and further agendas to realize such goals.
Ok, let’s see what they are and how all of us can contribute to making an Africa human rights compliant in readiness for 2063.

The Regional Human Rights Context

Agenda 2063 is rooted in Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. It provides a robust framework for addressing the past injustices of slavery, colonialism, and apartheid and fights for the realization of the 21st century as the African century. But more importantly, it also provides a framework for African Union Member States to promote and protect human rights.

1. A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development

2. An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance

3. An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law

4. A peaceful and secure Africa

5. An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics

6. An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children

7. Africa as a strong, united and influential global player and partner

ASPIRATION 1: A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development

This is a duty on our state’s managers –what Africa should be by 2063, eradication of poverty in one generation and building shared prosperity through social and economic transformation.A major part of that vision is the right of every African to be free from disease and want. Development, education, provision of social services by governments, employment, environmentally sustainable climate and resilient economies and communities becomes rights which should be enforced by the citizens of Africa!

Do you think it’s possible?

Since 1963, the quest for African Unity has been inspired by the spirit of Pan Africanism, focusing on liberation, and political and economic independence,self-reliance and self-determination, and a democratic and people-centred governance.Agenda 2063 states that by 2063, the necessary infrastructure will be in place to support Africa’s accelerated integration and growth, technological transformation, trade and developments as inclusive rights of the African citizens.Pan Africanism is the AU’s attempt to transcend sovereignty and traditional power politics by establishing a transnational rule of law much more in line with a pre-historical rights Africa.

Is a united Africa possible and even desirable?Have your say!

Aspiration 2: An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance

Aspiration 3An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law.

The promotion and protection of human rights are key to taking Africa into 2063. Agenda 2063 aims to be a continent where democratic values, culture, practices, universal principles of human rights, gender equality, justice and the rule of law are entrenched. This includes providing affordable and timely access to courts and justice, without the fear of harm. Likewise, it includes involving citizens in the social, political, and economic development and management of Africa.

Can Africa respect human rights? Have your say?

There will be no 2063 without peace, justice and an Africa free from violence. By 2063 Africa shall be free from armed conflict, terrorism, extremism, intolerance and gender-based violence, which are major threats to human security, peace and development. The continent will be drugs-free, with no human trafficking, where organized crime and other forms of criminal networks, such as the arms trade and piracy, are ended. Africa shall have ended the illicit trade in and proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

An Africa without any type of conflict? Have your say?

Aspiration 4: A peaceful and secure Africa

Aspiration 5: An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics

Ensuring that every African can read and write and ensuring that it the right of every child to be in school till 18 is probably the most important of all Agenda 2063 goals. Agenda 2063 seeks to unify the African population under the shared values of Pan Africanism. This will include embedding Pan-African ideals into school curricula, celebrating African creative arts and industries, as well as using African languages as the basis for administration and integration. Lastly, African values of family, community, hard work, merit, mutual respect and social cohesion will be firmly entrenched.

Of Africa’s 420 million youth aged 15 to 35, one-third are unemployed and discouraged, another third are vulnerably unemployed, and only one in six is in wage employment. That is gross violation of human rights. Agenda 2063 was created with the empowerment and success of the youth of Africa in mind. This includes giving Africa’s youth guaranteed full access to education, training, skills and technology, health services, jobs and economic opportunities, recreational and cultural activities as well as financial means and all necessary resources to allow them to realize their full potential.

Aspiration 6: An Africa, whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children.

Aspiration 7: Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential global player and partner.

The process of globalization has been synonymous with Europe reconstituting itself at the centre of the globe.Agenda 2063 seeks to end this cycle of a one-sided globalization process in hopes of establishing Africa as an influential global player with a significant role in world affairs. It also intends to establish Africa as a leading continent in the political, social, security, and economic spheres of global governance.Agenda 2063 seeks,for example, to correct the injustice of failing to include a single African nation in the permanent council made.

Should Africa be given a spot as Permanent member of the UNSC? What do you think?